

rebecca elizabeth louise wyke


I am currently working towards my California Single-Subject Credential in Visual Art and my M.Ed with Teacher Leadership specialization. I will be student teaching in September 2012 and graduate that December!

An artist/illustrator myself, I am a fierce advocate for the arts and hope to expand the role of creativity and critical thought through collaboration with core teachers and service learning. I have an immense amount of interest vested in the play of text and image. Just as the earliest languages were based on symbols and illuminated manuscripts spoke to the illiterate masses of the Middle Ages, incorporating art, realia, graphics and video are part of the complete learning of reading, writing, speaking and listening. For English language learners, students with learning disabilities and other special interests these tools can truly change their lives by helping master literacy, engage in critical thinking, building their metacognition, improving confidence and allowing greater articulation and communication with themselves and others.


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