
Junior Year: Pont Aven application

Some past work and new stuff

Application for Pont Aven is in!!!! *crosses fingers*

I meet with the Selection Committee tomorrow at 2:30.. hopefully everything will work out. I busted tail to get this oppurtunity.

here are some of the works i placed in my portfolio:

self-portrait in oil... the eye on the left is a complete failure and spoils it for me but there is a lot of strong work... good progress.

nude study of pregnant female - fun to paint finally... definately like working bigger... lots to work on but im learning so much. temperature is hard to see for me sometimes but im getting there.

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed by your art. You're very talented.
    I'm trying to go to Pont Aven this next summer to study art as you did, and I'd be delighted if you would tell me some about your application experience/abroad experience!




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