
Pont Aven Update: temporal tea trays

This is for my temporal tracks class, which is studying time, how we perceive it, how we measure it, etc and we are creating work to reflect that...

This first project involves creating an object or set of objects (mixed media) that will be left untouched, in some locale (buried undergournd, in a tree, under the stairs, etc.) until the last few weeks, the idea being to allow chance, entropy, weather, animals, whatever to take its toll, and we will then see how it has changed at the end. We have to document it three ways.

I was having a hard time with this since I have never done sculpture really or anything mixed media-ish.

I found this old book of French history at a thrift store that was falling apart and I got it dirt cheap. Since I've been gessoing books for sketching, I started playing around with it. I etched into the gessoed paper, to reveal the other side and the rest of the project just kinda happened.

They are going to be mounted on individual tea trays. The roots and floral details are etched in paper with watercolour/acrylic for colour. The teabags will have seeds in them, so hopefully something will happen with that. One will be on a wall covered by ivy, one just at ground level and one below. They are treated with different varnishes so I hope they decay, but not to the point of destruction. I really hope interesting molding will go on in the roots etc since they are less protected. There's a whole connection to this floral / tea hybrid thing but I don't feel like going into it. Childhood mostly and remembering my Gran. Anyway, I like them a lot so I hope to put them in my portfolio. Who knows....


  1. magnifique!!!!!

  2. wow what an amazing idea! this is absolutely awesome, rebecca



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